Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow snow go away....

We have had about 30 inches of snow this winter season. I know that doesn't seem like much to the poor people of the Washington DC area who got a whopping 30 inches in one snowstorm!!! Yet, I am still sick of the snow.
Normally I am a winter person. Normally I prefer the cold and love the snow, but this year I am just not feeling it. It was fun and great in December, but now that it is February I am just done with it.
I want to take the kids to the park, but 10 - 35 degrees is just too cold. I want to go for walks, but again - too cold.
The kids are all getting stir crazy and poor Zach has only been out to go run errands, go to church, doctor visits, or visit Grandma and Grandpa. He has yet to enjoy the great outdoors for the fun of it.
Mia wants to ride her tricycle. She keeps asking when we are going to take it out of the basement for her to play with.
The only one who gets to play outside is Sam. He is older and can tolerate the cold better than the little ones. He likes to play in the snow. Mia likes the snow too, but she gets cold so quickly.

So the plan - the first day that it is above 50 degrees by lunchtime - we are going to the park!! Zach can swing on the baby swings and Mia can run her energy out. Sam can climb on all of the jungle gyms. It will be so much fun and I can't wait!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah! I just wanted to come by and say I'm so glad we met! You make my world a brighter place and I always love your comments! I am on myspace and facebook if you want to befriend me. and
