Thursday, June 10, 2010

Changing Zach's feeding habits

I have discovered that meat is a little too rough for Zach to chew with only 2 teeth. That is when I remembered my mini food processor!! I was so excited because now I c an grind up his meat and tougher to chew foods so that he can eat them. This way he doesnt have to endure the nastiness that is jarred baby food. I have tasted some and it isn't too bad, but the meats are horrific.
Tonight we are having breaded porkchops, rice and veggies. So the pork chops will go into the food processor. Zach does well with rice and most veggies. I hope that he will like the yummy pork chops.
He hasn't been into the change from bottle to sippy cup, but it has to be done. I have a personal rule of no bottles after 1 year of age and no sippy cups after 3. I am doing the change slowly. I have found that slow is best when transitioning. The first three days Zach had one feeding as sippy cup and the rest bottles. Yesterday we upped it to two and we will up it again on Saturday to three and then Monday to all sippy cup. Sometimes he has a fifth feeding of formula, but I figure if he is doing 4 feedings then 5 will be no big deal.
Soon he will be old enough to transition over to milk from formula. I think he will enjoy that and I know I will too. Milk is so much easier than formula. It will begreat cause I wont have to carry a big bulky diaper bag along with my bulky purse. I will just toss a couple diapers, a travel wipie case, and some snacks into my purse. I have it all planned out! Lets just hope it works out as planned.

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